Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Psalms 84:9-10 -- On Shields and Doorkeepers

"Behold, O God our shield, and look upon the face of thine anointed.
For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness."
Psalms 84:9-10

I like the idea of Christ, the anointed, as our shield... and I really like the next verse because I think that it shows that there is no math that makes rejecting God a good thing. The world can argue that 15 minutes of "thrill" is worth trading for a lifetime of boredom, but first of all, God's way isn't boring, and secondly, this isn't just a lifetime. This is eternity, and the math is actually opposite. Korihor suffered the pains of sin, but when he called on God, he was delivered and the pain was swallowed up in the joy. The one glimpse of God is worth the lifetime of sin, because no matter how thrilling or intriguing it is, it ends up empty. Nothing else can fill the God-shaped hole in our lives.

Today, let's remember that nothing balances against God. He is better than anything else, a thousand times over... or more like an uncountable number of times over. He is the source of hope and peace and joy, and if we're going to settle for less, then let's settle for the edge of God's domain, the lowest position in his household rather than anything outside of it, no matter how temporarily esteemed and pleasant. Let's not fall for the lies of Satan, believing that anything could make up for that loss. It cannot. Wickedness never was and can never be happiness, even if it briefly carries that illusion.

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