Thursday, September 19, 2024

Psalms 90:4 -- On the Lord's Time, and Perspective

"For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night."
Psalms 90:4

I like this explanation of a thousand years to the Lord just seeming like yesterday. I don't really think that is an exact increment, but more of a parable-type comparison, showing us a deeper truth. The Lord's perspective is vast, and he can see (and remember/know) much more than we can, no matter how forward-thinking we are. :) Time isn't a burden or a barrier to him.

Today, let's "Think Celestial" and consider the long-term, including trusting God who can see so much more than we can, and who understands not only his creations, but the overall picture, where we can only see a small distance. We have need of his vision and perspective.

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