Thursday, September 26, 2024

2 Nephi 14:1 -- On Unity and Humility

"And in that day, seven women shall take hold of one man, saying: We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel; only let us be called by thy name to take away our reproach."
2 Nephi 14:1

This is a verse that is also found in Isaiah, and in the Old Testament it seems to suggest women who are ashamed of being single, unmarried, or childless, which was looked down on. There are pockets of that attitude now, but I think then it was much more prevalent. ... However, this verse is supposed to be a prediction of the Millennium, or the transition to it at least, so it is interesting that it is similar, perhaps predicting a period of time when there will be many fewer men than women, and where the attitude will once again be prevalent that women are a disappointment if they are not attached to a man.

It's an interesting question in the context of the gospel, for certainly we are encouraged to be united. God introduced the concept of marriage, and suggested that it was not good for man to be alone. God encourages community and unity and service and love, which all implies and involves other people. So clearly we shouldn't all become hermits or shut out the rest of the world. :) On the other hand, I don't recall God ever teaching that single people should be ashamed or condemned. He encouraged people to care for widows and orphans... emphasis on taking care of each other rather than telling them to rejoin the world or finding fault with their unattached state, so it seems to be that the idea is taking care of each other.

In this prophecy, perhaps food and clothing are scarce and they want to join a community that normally wouldn't allow them in if they can't take care of them, but they offer to take care of themselves. It isn't certain that it is a marriage/polygamy, but perhaps implied because of them being called by his name. Could be a tribal thing as well I suppose. The other interesting thing to point out here is the chapter before, where it is mentioned that the "daughters of Zion" have been prideful, and they will be brought down to desolation and humility, so that could also be what is going on here... a continuation of that idea, where the women are humble enough to join together to a community, or a family, rather than thinking they can do everything themselves.

Today, let's think about what it means to be connected and joined together in love with the people around us. Let's not encourage "reproach," but consult with God about how we can righteously connect with others and build a more united society, where not only the hearts of the children and fathers turn to each other, but also where we are all open to satisfying family and personal relationships.

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