Thursday, August 29, 2024

Deuteronomy 1:32 -- On Partial Belief and Total Trust

"Yet in this thing ye did not believe the Lord your God"
Deuteronomy 1:32

This is interesting; the chapter around it is talking about the history of the Children of Israel, specifically how they didn't believe that they could inherit the land when God told them not to be afraid, but they still were, and eventually God cursed them to wander in the wilderness until a new generation was ready to follow him.

I think this illustrates for us how dangerous it is to only go halfway with our belief... to accept God in some ways but not others. God is the God of everything, and it all works together... rejecting part is basically rejecting all, because the whole can't work properly in our lives.

That isn't to say that God won't give us time to get there... he gave the Israelites time. They may have missed some opportunities, but it was all temporary... when we do get there, God offers us everything, so the pain we suffer by not accepting Christ will be swallowed up in the joy we feel when we eventually do. Still, let's work on that, and save ourselves some hardship. Let's go all in on trusting the Lord.

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