Friday, August 2, 2024

Matthew 28:18 -- On Power and Choices

"And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth."
Matthew 28:18

This verse strikes me today because I think we forget how powerful Christ is sometimes. As it states here, he has "all" power... the power he needs to do anything, anywhere, for, or to, anyone. This seems to me to be quite a testament, because what he chooses to do with all of that power is to help us and teach us.

Everything Christ wants is shown by his choices, as we also show our desires by the things that we choose. Today, let's be wiser than we have been, and commit to choosing Christ over all else. Let's learn from him the lessons of salvation, and hope, and joy, and redemption, and use the power that he has delegated to us to work for a better world, and a joyous eternity.

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