Thursday, August 22, 2024

3 Nephi 5:4 -- On Repentance and Turning to God

"And now it came to pass that when they had taken all the robbers prisoners, insomuch that none did escape who were not slain, they did cast their prisoners into prison, and did cause the word of God to be preached unto them; and as many as would repent of their sins and enter into a covenant that they would murder no more were set at liberty."
3 Nephi 5:4

I really like the idea here that people who were willing to change were allowed back into society. I don't think that rehabilitation or repentance are easy things, but the fact that people make room for us to try--to learn to be different people than we have been, and learn and grow can help us a lot. That's the example that Christ set and why he asked people to go and sin no more rather than condemning and punishing them. Even people like this, that lived on the fruits of robbery and murder, were given that chance to change, and some of them did.

Today, let's give other people the same chance, and give ourselves the same chance. Let's turn to God and learn how to be better people than we have been. He can teach us how, and can heal the harm that we have caused, even when we can't. Let's turn to him and repent.

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