Monday, August 5, 2024

Jeremiah 17:17 -- On Terror and Hope

"Be not a terror unto me: thou art my hope in the day of evil."
Jeremiah 17:17

The Lord can definitely seem terrible, especially to the wicked. He stands against evil and promises restitution and justice, which isn't going to turn out well if we are harming others and remain unrepentant. However, although God can seem majestic and terrible, he is also kind and merciful and good. And he doesn't have to be a terror to us. He is our hope in the day of evil exactly because of those things that make him scary. He can stand up to any evil and overcome it. He can save us and protect us, and lift us up.

Today, let's be sure to be on the Lord's side, where his majesty and power will work for our good rather than against it. Let's look to God for our help, as we shelter under his care.

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