Thursday, June 27, 2024

Romans 4:7 -- On Forgiveness and Change

"Saying, Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered."
Romans 4:7

I like the idea here that, in God, we can repent of our sins and have them "covered" by Christ's atonement. There is significantly no other option here for perfection. No one in mortality is perfect, and God knows that... but he teaches us what to do about it, and how to change for the better.

Today, let's learn and grow and listen to God, who shows us the way, and who is willing to cover our sins as we change and improve. He doesn't see us as our past selves or hold our sins against us. Instead, he is overjoyed with us when we do well, and helps us learn when we run into obstacles and weaknesses.

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