Tuesday, June 4, 2024

3 Nephi 5:4 -- On Covenants

"And now it came to pass that when they had taken all the robbers prisoners, insomuch that none did escape who were not slain, they did cast their prisoners into prison, and did cause the word of God to be preached unto them; and as many as would repent of their sins and enter into a covenant that they would murder no more were set at liberty."
3 Nephi 5:4

Verses like this where it talks about people agreeing to things and gaining freedom boggle my mind a little bit. To me, it seems like there was a lot more trust back then, and if someone said something you could believe them.

I think that it also points out how trustworthy and honest God is, and asks us to be, when he offers to enter into covenants with him, where he agrees to be our God and we agree to be his people, and the ones that add on from there as we get baptized and start on God's path to happiness.

Today, let's think about how trustworthy we are, and upgrade our honesty a bit, especially when it comes to the Lord. As we work on that, we'll become better people, as well as being able to develop a deeper relationship with God.

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