Saturday, June 8, 2024

Jacob 3:2 -- On Firmness of Mind

"O all ye that are pure in heart, lift up your heads and receive the pleasing word of God, and feast upon his love; for ye may, if your minds are firm, forever."
Jacob 3:2

The whole idea of feasting on God's love is an awesome and compelling thought... that sense of completeness and pure love that we sometimes catch a taste of, to feel it all the time. I mean, I think that is a lot of what heaven is about. I sometimes wonder about the firm mind part. I feel more wishy-washy than that sometimes.

I think though that the general idea isn't about our weaknesses, but rather our focus--keeping our focus firmly on the Lord. The whole "Think Celestial" idea. If we work on that, then whatever the external circumstances of our lives, we can internally be feeling the Spirit of the Lord, and staying in contact with him, and feeling his love for us.

It isn't something that happens overnight, so let's not beat ourselves up if we aren't consistet at first. It takes time, and mindfulness, and lots of practice. As we work at it though, we'll notice a difference, and our lives will get better, and we'll be more sensitive to the Spirit and able to tell more clearly what God wants us to know. A good thing to work on today. :)

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