Monday, June 10, 2024

Alma 5:26 -- On Singing The Song of Redeeming Love

"And now behold, I say unto you, my brethren, if ye have experienced a change of heart, and if ye have felt to sing the song of redeeming love, I would ask, can ye feel so now?"
Alma 5:26

I never really thought of singing an actual song until today, but when that thought hit, it seemed appropriate. If there was just a song you could sing every day to stay close to God, then that's something we could all do... maybe some would have to sing in sign language, but that's totally okay, and others might not like their voices, but that's okay too. We'd all get better and better as we practiced more, and expressed ourselves to God.

And I think that we can do that on some level. Maybe it isn't a specific song that is referred to here, but the same idea can work through other hymns, through prayer, through reading our scriptures and feasting upon God's word. The idea is to rejoice in the love of the Lord, and welcome him into our lives, grateful for his help. We can express that through song, but also in so many other ways... and we can do it every day.

Today, let's find a song to sing to God, or any other way to express our gratitude and joy in all that God offers us. As we do, we *will* be able to "feel so now" and retain that mighty change of heart in our lives. :)

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