Monday, January 11, 2021

3 Nephi 2:19 -- On Afflictions and Iniquity

"And thus ended the fifteenth year, and thus were the people in a state of many afflictions; and the sword of destruction did hang over them, insomuch that they were about to be smitten down by it, and this because of their iniquity."
3 Nephi 2:19

Affliction doesn't always happen because of iniquity... want to say that right away, because sometimes we feel guilty over things that just happen and we didn't have a choice in it. I'm definitely not trying to cause guilt where there should be none.

That said, affliction often does have to do with iniquity, as in this case, and sometimes we take *all* affliction as though it were unchosen, and maybe we should sort those things out a little bit better so that we are both letting go of things that we can't change, and taking responsibility for what we can. Very easy to go to one extreme or the other, but God can help us sort out what we can change, and help us take it at a pace we are capable of rather than trying to do everything at once.

Today, let's take a moment to consider if our lives could improve through some solid repentance.  I'm guessing for most of us that would be a resounding yes, because we have plenty of room for improvement. :)  Let's avoid the "state of many afflictions," and address things now, through prayer.  God is merciful and he loves us.  If we turn to him, everything can be okay, even if we feel that "sword of destruction" hanging over us.

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