Monday, January 18, 2021

Psalms 23:1 -- On Allowing the Lord to Provide

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."
Psalms 23:1

I wonder what would happen if we really trusted God enough to believe and have faith in this statement... if we believed that the Lord would always provide the things that we need.  

In my experience, God always does provide, but I have trouble being patient and trusting in the idea, and so I think I experience a lot more anxiety and stress than I need to, and allow things to disturb the calm and the peace that Christ offers.  Hopefully I am learning more and getting better, but I still need to work on trusting in God that if I stick with him, I'll be okay.

Another thing with want is that sometimes we probably overestimate what we need.  We might mourn the loss of a job or a house or something else that we were really invested in, but God is teaching us to move on and to find new opportunities and let go of the past and trust in him for the future.  This is also often very difficult, but it is easy to see, later, that God was leading us to a better place.

Today, let's work on trusting God that he will provide for us, and have faith that as long as we stick with God, things will work out the way they should.  That doesn't mean that we don't need to be active in our own lives and trying to improve them of course, but maybe we can let some of the stress go, doing what we can, and trusting God to help the rest work out.

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