Sunday, August 13, 2000

Matthew 14:25

"And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea."
Matthew 14:25

I like this story... this scripture especially, just to show us the possibilities.  Christ could walk on water.  We are to walk in his footsteps... do as he did. :)  We have the potential to walk on water as well.  Maybe we have a lot of other things to learn first... but just think of all the cool stuff we are going to learn eventually. :)  And think of the power of faith.  Unfortunately, we teach doubt every day... doubt that we can change the world.  Doubt that we can change our lives.  Doubt that our hearts can be changed.  But all these things we can do... and more.  We can walk on water.  We can learn to do all kinds of things that seem kind of science fiction right now... and we can change ourselves on the inside too.  No matter how hard it seems, we *can* do it.  We just have to make the decision, commit to doing the small things every day to keep the spirit in our lives... and God does the hard work.  It can and does happen every day.  We can walk on water.  We can change the world.  We can change ourselves.  Let's believe it.  And do it.

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