Thursday, August 31, 2000

Doctrine and Covenants 11:8

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, even as you desire of me so it shall be done unto you; and, if you desire, you shall be the means of doing much good in this generation."
Doctrine and Covenants 11:8

I thought that this was fascinating.  and true, of course. :)  Whatever we are looking for, we'll find.  It's like anytime you move to a new place.  You find what you are looking for.  If we are looking for a grocery store, we'll find one... but even if we pass a pet store on the way, we ignore it... until it's time to go fish shopping. :)  If we are looking for a bar, we'll find one.  If we are looking for a church, we'll find one.  No matter where it is, we can find good or bad, depending on what we are concentrating on in our lives.  And God will be in our lives to the extent that we desire him to be.  If we keep saying, hey, come over and listen to this... and hey... come over and let me tell you how cool my day was, and hey... come over, and let me read you this story I wrote... then he'll come, and listen, and hang out with you.  And when you ask him about life and ideas, he'll talk to you about them.  But if we keep saying... hey, thanks for the offer, but I have other plans... and you know, that sounds like good advice, but I think I can handle it... then he'll wait until you invite him in.  He's not going to break into your living room and try to talk to you while you turn up the TV and are studiously trying to ignore him.  He'll keep knocking until you let him in.  If we desire almost anything, we'll get it.  But we'll never find lasting happiness anywhere but with God.
It's kind of funny when people complain that God never lets them have any fun... and we believe it.  we seriously believe sometimes that sin is fun or happy... when it is neither.  It can imitate fun and happiness for a while... but underneath is misery and boredom when the thrills don't last.  God can show you fun, and happiness, and a better time than you can find anywhere else.  Man is that he might have JOY... joy is joy, not harp-playing boredom.  really. :)  If we desire to be the means of doing much good, we will be... :)  And if we desire to have loads of fun, we will.  Ask God to show you the fun and the joy that is all around you... and, as long as you are seriously open to it... prepare to be amazed. :)

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