Tuesday, August 8, 2000

Helaman 5:40-41

"And it came to pass that the Lamanites said unto him: What shall we do, that this cloud of darkness may be removed from overshadowing us?
And Aminadab said unto them: You must repent, and cry unto the voice, even until ye shall have faith in Christ, who was taught unto you by Alma, and Amulek, and Zeezrom; and when ye shall do this, the cloud of darkness shall be removed from overshadowing you."
Helaman 5:40-41

Hi. :)  I was reading this morning and came across this scripture, and I thought it would be a good one for today.  These Lamanites were in prison and had a physical cloud of darkness over them... but I figure that sometimes we have the same thing going on spiritually... and that the same things will work to get us out of it. :)  And the steps are simple, and although the actual implementation can take a lot of effort... when the darkness is gone, and you can see clearly again, you realize that unrestricted vision is worth all of the work, and more, that it took to get there.  So, the steps... repent, pray, faith.  and prayer *precedes* the faith in this case... and I think actually in a lot of cases.  Even if you don't know for sure if anyone is listening, having the faith to get on your knees and find out... to talk to God and see if he answers you... that is a big step.  Sometimes it takes a lot of practice to hear what God has to say... but it's worth it.  And really... to have the darkness out of our lives?  That's worth an experiment in prayer, isn't it?

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