Wednesday, August 30, 2000

3 Nephi 13:11, 14

"And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
For, if ye forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you."
3 Nephi 13:11, 14

So, along the theme of how we can influence each other for good... forgiveness.  Not just physical debts, but I think any kind of debt applies.  And when we can let go of whatever it is that we have against them... an IOU, a past mistake, anger... whatever it is, then our Father will also forgive us of those same things in our own lives.  When we learn to offer mercy, then we are sure to receive it.  It's one of our lessons in this life... in learning to become like God, we need to learn to love and forgive.  We need to learn to not be angry when he gives someone that has wronged us another chance.  We need to open our hearts and heal where we have hurt... to build those bridges that have been burned. :)  Every single person in this world needs love and forgiveness, and a true chance to try again.  Even if you can't be around them, you can pray for them, pray that they will learn, and change... just as we all need to learn and change to be restored to God's presence.  If we can treat others as we would like to be treated, then we will get closer to Heaven every day.

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