Friday, July 26, 2024

Matthew 8:7-8 -- On Trusting God

"And Jesus saith unto him, I will come and heal him.
The centurion answered and said, Lord, I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed."
Matthew 8:7-8

This is a really cool story, and I like these verses because it shows not only the centurion's love for his servant, but the kind of faith that the centurion had in Christ. And I wonder if we all could use a lot more of that kind of faith in our own lives... the kind where we truly trust the Lord, as a little child, and don't need to have it proven to us anymore, because we have that deep certainty that the Lord keeps his word, and if it says it, that is enough.

Today, let's think about how our lives might be different if we had more trust in God. And if there is a difference, and it might improve our lives, then let's try to live that way a little bit more... trusting God to do what he has promised. And when we don't understand, or aren't sure, let's practice prayer, as always. As we reach out to God, and also do what we have promised, God will teach us to understand and to trust. Even if we don't start out with the faith of the centurion, we can get there with practice and patience.

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