Wednesday, July 3, 2024

D&C 11:4-5 -- On Taking Action

"Yea, whosoever will thrust in his sickle and reap, the same is called of God.
Therefore, if you will ask of me you shall receive; if you will knock it shall be opened unto you."
D&C 11:4-5

The idea here seems to be that God will help us as we reach out... as we take action and move in that direction, the Lord will clear the way for another step. I feel like part of what God is trying to get across with telling us the field is white, in the verse before this and elsewhere, is that there are opportuniteis everywhere. If we notice them and take action... not just with missionary work, but with everything that pertains to the gospel, which is as much as our lives as we allow it to be.

The gospel encompasses everything, because everything is part of God's creation, and we can serve God wherever we are... the challenge to us is to figure out how... what our individual contribution could be, and then go for it, knowing that God is on our side and will help us in every righteous cause. As we counse with him in prayer, he will direct our paths and show us the best way to go. This includes missionary work, of course, and he can also help us with knowing when and how to advocate for him, how to show our religion and set good examples, and really, everything. The more we talk to God about our plans and show our willingness to follow him, the better he can help us and the people around us to find happiness and salvation.

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