Thursday, July 25, 2024

Matthew 7:12 -- On The Way We Act Towards Others

"Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets."
Matthew 7:12

This is such an interesting, and important, rule from God. We complain sometimes about the way the world is, and a lot of that has to do with the way things are, and interactions. I like the idea that the change begins with us... if we want things to be different, then we need to act differently, the way we want things to be. Our societies evolve to be the way that we choose them to be, people react to the way they are treated and the examples that we set, and eventually all things are restored to us, including the way we treat others, so presumably heaven will be spent with other people like ourselves.

And, if that is true, are we the types of people we want to hang out with forever... or should we perhaps step up our game and be a little kinder, so we have a kinder eternity ahead? :) I can only speculate about what heaven is like, but I definitely need to step up my game since I would love to be able to meet God and have it be a joyful thing rather than feeling ashamed about anything at all in his presence. Today, let's work on behaving towards others the way we want others to behave... the first step to a better world.

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