Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Matthew 25:29 -- On Abundance

"For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath."
Matthew 25:29

When I first read this a while back I kind of thought it was mean... the guy was scared, he wasn't sure what to do, so he just didn't spend the money so he could give it back. It did seem like failure, but to me, kind of understandable failure out of confusion and fear to do something wrong.

As I've learned more about the Lord, I have come to realize that God is a lot more merciful and a lot less scary than I thought he was. These parables show us lines and lessons, but God gives us every chance, and helps us in every way possible. Most of us aren't the person with 10 talents multiplying them everywhere... those people are awesome. But most of us are *also* not the person with one talent hiding it away. We're learning and growing, little by little. I don't think we become that guy unless we choose to turn away and do nothing, learn nothing, and just stay as we are.

Today, if we're scared, let's go to God and tell him about our fear, and humbly ask him to help us with it... help us manage it and find a way to work through it to learn anyway. Not all fears are easily overcome, but there are so many paths to learning and growth, God will show us a path, even if it isn't straight through the fear, maybe we can work on the edges of it, pushing it back a little at a time. Just like with Nephi, there is always a path to success, even if it isn't the way we planned. If we keep trying, we will not be that one talent guy. God will help us succeed, and grant us abundance.

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