Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Matthew 6:14 -- On Forgiveness

"For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you."
Matthew 6:14

Always a good reminder, and a good motivation to learn to forgive. We all make mistakes, and probably also all have intentionally stepped over the line of what is appropriate to God. Through Christ we can repent and effectively remake those choices, changing ourselves in the present and becoming new people who wouldn't make those same choices again. ... Other people deserve that chance to change as well. Today, let's forgive and allow Christ's grace to work in other people's lives without throwing the past back in their faces.

(This isn't to say that we should remain in abusive situations. Getting out of situations that are endangering us is important... to us and to God. He wants us to be safe. Once we are though, then let's do our best to let go of bitterness and hate which are also harmful to our hearts and our spirits, and leave judgement in the hands of God.)

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