Sunday, May 29, 2022

Mosiah 4:13 -- On Living Peaceably

"And ye will not have a mind to injure one another, but to live peaceably, and to render to every man according to that which is his due."
Mosiah 4:13

This is even better in context, so take a look if you don't know what leads to this, but what struck me today is the idea of living peaceably. I think a lot of us (perhaps because of the world we live in) think that peace is just the absence of war... but this seems to indicate that it is a little bit more. It is also when we don't have any desire to harm each other, and we don't resent giving to other people. ... That right there is a big difference as well. We often find it hard to be happy for others because we want what they have... the promotion, the salary, the house, the position in society, the power, the popularity, or whatever. That's one of the commandments... we're not supposed to covet anything that belongs to our neighbors, pretty much exactly because of this. Because it throws us into the mindset that we could get ahead by diminishing someone else... and that is definitely not God's plan. God's plan is for everyone to lift each other up, and all rise together.

Today, let's try to live peaceably according to the Lord's definition rather than the world's definition. Let's find ways to uplift the people around us, and celebrate who they are rather than resenting the good things that happen to them. Let's work on helping others succeed just as the Lord helps us.

1 comment:

  1. I want my heart to be in that place. Sometimes I feel I’m getting closer and then… I guess I just need the Lord’s help more and more


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