Tuesday, July 11, 2000

Moroni 7:48 -- On Love and Purity

"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, pray unto God with all the energy of heart, that ye may be filled with this love, which he hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye may become the sons of God; that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is: that we may have this hope; that we may be purified even as he is pure.  Amen."
Moroni 7:48

I like this scripture.  we touched on it briefly at Family Home Evening last night, and I was surprised to find that I hadn't used it before.  I love surprises like that. :)  Anyway, I love it... it repeats themes that I have touched on before, I am sure... one is the "filled" theme... I love that.  pray unto God so that you can be filled.  Feel empty?  Here is the spiritual remedy. :)  Filled with love.  Can you imagine?  Have you ever felt it?  What is it like to be filled with love?  No emptiness inside, and an abundance of love to give to everyone else.  It's the greatest feeling in the world, and that is why we need to pray with everything we have in our hearts, so that we can go there.  And I also think that it is So amazing that when we meet Christ we'll be like him... not just physically... both have legs and arms... but that we are both just brimming with love and joy and light... that we can get there, that we can be pure and filled with goodness and get rid of all the stuff within that doesn't belong.  every once in a while in my life I get that feeling... of being absolutely clean, inside and out... that is an overwhelming feeling as well.  :)  So... let's go there. :)  Let's do what we need to do to clean out all the moldy stuff on the shelves, and get on our knees and pray with everything we are to be filled with love, and purified.  And when we are clean, let's stay clean... it's a good feeling. :)

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