Tuesday, July 18, 2000

1 John 2:28

"And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming."
1 John 2:28

I love confidence scriptures. :)  in fact, I love that God inspires confidence.  sometimes it is hard to be absolutely sure of anything in this life... people, cars... you know. :)  and isn't it nice to know that there is some solidity there... something that isn't going to give out when you need it.  :)  Not that God is an "it." :)  Just that he is always there.  A good feeling.  And so, to the scripture... abide in him, so that we can have confidence.  I think here, even more than having confidence in God... if we abide in him, we can have confidence in OURSELVES (and that is a *huge* thing, as illustrated by the capital letters).  We can know when he comes that we did the right thing.  that we overcame our weaknesses... that we tried to do what was right.  That is a feeling to be sought after with diligence.  Being ashamed when he comes would be a feeling that I would definitely want to escape.  So... here's to finding some confidence in ourselves... by abiding in God, and taking his advice to heart.

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