Monday, July 24, 2000

Luke 24:8

"And they remembered his words,"
Luke 24:8

I was talking to a good friend yesterday about a lot of things... repentance, fun, how much we need God... and she mentioned this scripture.  When I looked it up at first I thought she was joking around (she's very funny), but she wasn't.  And then I thought about it.  How many times in our lives do we just need our memories jogged?  We let our prayers slip, or our scripture study... we start thinking about other things, and it can completely change our worlds to remember some of the things that we already know, that we've already seen in our lives.  I was thinking about this last night... I have seen so many miracles in my life.  I have observed them, felt them, helped them to happen.  But how often do I remember those things?  The lesson in Relief Society yesterday was on good teaching... and one of the things mentioned was that people need to remember what you are saying.  God is definitely a good teacher, and his lessons are always memorable.  Remembering those lessons can be of immense help, and make an impact on our current lives.  Whenever I think that I don't need God, I remember times where he has saved my life... physically or spiritually.  I remember his messages to me.  I remember that He has always been there, and has come to the rescue at just the right moments.  The Spirit can bring all things to our remembrance.  Think about God's words to you today... what experiences you have had with him.  This scripture is referring to the women who went to the tomb and found it empty... and they remembered what Christ had said about rising again.  Sometimes we don't believe things the first time we hear them... sometimes we don't have enough faith, or it never even enters our minds that it's a literal message and not a figurative one.  What is God saying to us today?  Maybe it is a message we have heard before. :)

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