Sunday, July 17, 2022

Nehemiah 4:8-9 -- On Conspiracy and Prayer

"And conspired all of them together to come and to fight against Jerusalem, and to hinder it.
Nevertheless we made our prayer unto our God, and set a watch against them day and night, because of them."
Nehemiah 4:8-9

Today in primary we asked the kids what the first thing to do when you are scared is, and, unprompted, they said to pray. I was impressed, even though they followed up with some less-useful suggestions. :) That first instinct was on point, and I think that should be our instinct as adults as well. The best thing to do is always to pray, and then we can proceed to follow up with our best guess. In thiese verses, that is to set a watch so that no one can ambush them, which seems like a very wise thing to do... but prayer came first, even though they were worried and there were a lot of people against them... they remembered that you can't be outnumbered if God is on your side.

Today, let's hone our instincts and make sure that prayer is always the first alternative, so we get that inspiration from the Lord even while we're making our best guess about what to do next.

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