Friday, October 29, 2021

1 Peter 4:12 -- On Fiery Trials

"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:"
1 Peter 4:12

I feel this... and we all might, a little. When something hard comes along, I kind of do think about it as some completely scary, alien thing coming out of the sky, probably to abduct me. As the verse points out, the real truth is much more mundane. Not that they aren't still scary, and maybe we won't ever grow to love trials, but they are natural events that we can expect... they are normal, and they are part of God's plan (because everything is taken into account, after all). He knows they will end, and that we'll again be okay afterward, and because he knows this, we can too.

Today, let's remember that our trials are normal and limited, and that we can and will overcome them. God is in charge, and we can call on him for help to see the way through.

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