Friday, October 12, 2001

3 Nephi 13:30

"Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, even so will he clothe you, if ye are not of little faith."
3 Nephi 13:30

When we are little kids we have to live on faith... we try to learn the way that things work.  The kid throwing food off his high chair is discovering gravity, and the language and social customs that our parents teach us become our reality.  It's interesting that we lose that faith as we get older... we start expecting things to be a certain way, and develop comfort zones and fear of change.  I think we probably do that too early, since we haven't figured God out yet.  I was watching a show this evening that was talking about the "missing" years of Christ's life. :)  It threw out possibilities and passages from apocryphal works talking about some of the things that he might have done as he grew up.  I wonder if he learned differently than we do.  ... we know he didn't lose his faith as he grew up at least. :)  We are so worried about the supposed "realities" of this life that we have lost our capacity to trust and believe God.  Albert Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge.  I think that is true... at least as far as some of the restrictive knowledge that we collect. :)  According to our reality, parting the Red sea and moving mount Zerin are impossible things... but, they happened.  Not to mention God converting stones into light sources by touching them.  How about standing in a furnace without even being singed?  ... and there are thousands more examples.  Maybe God appeared to Joseph Smith because he was young enough to expect an answer to his prayer. :)  I think that we forget that we are still little kids in a high chair... we might know the rules of the particular game we are playing... or the social circle we run in... or the office where we work.  Let us remember however, that however well we learn the rules... they aren't Reality.  In reality with a capital R, people aren't judged by outward appearance.  people don't get more justice if they have more money.  God is the only one that can see Reality as it really is... and no matter how much food we throw off that high chair, we aren't going to be able to understand all of it in the limited time we have on this earth.  Let's imagine a little more... and live like we know that God will do what he says he will do.

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