Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Psalms 105:4-5

"Seek the Lord, and his strength: seek his face evermore.
Remember his marvellous works that he hath done; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth."
Psalms 105:4-5

This scripture reminds me of something I heard on Sunday.  One of the people in our sunday school class commented that the Lord spends an awful lot of time telling us about things that happened in the past, and that there must be a reason. :)  I think there are probably a lot of reasons, but one of them is probably so that we can widen our perspective.  Doesn't the saying go that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it?  And, even though most of us choose to learn things in the most harrowing way possible, there is always that off-chance that we might learn to be wise through the experience of another. :)
It is tempting to want something besides history or the less-dramatic miracles we are accustomed to.  We want an angel, or God to just come down and tell us what to do.  The thing is... drama doesn't enhance our ability to endure to the end.  And it only boosts obedience in the very short-term.  We can see that clearly in the lives of Laman and Lemuel.  I think God, in teaching us history, is showing us real examples of people who made it through this life successfully... and other examples of people who didn't, and what tripped them up.  It isn't meant to terrorize, but rather to offer us some hope.  The scriptures and the stories of the early pioneers show us tragedy and triumph... fear and faith.  It's God showing us how to drive back the darkness, to find the strength to endure to the end.  Today, I think that this scripture offers some incredible advice for us.  No matter where we are, or what we are going through, seeking the Lord and his strength will help us to endure it well.  Remembering his works, his wonders, and his judgments will help us to see our own paths more clearly.  And if we do these things, one day all of the things that we have been seeking, we will find... and we will see his face with pleasure.

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