Monday, October 15, 2001

Mosiah 28:7

"And the Lord said unto Mosiah: Let them go up, for many shall believe on their words, and they shall have eternal life; and I will deliver thy sons out of the hands of the Lamanites."
Mosiah 28:7

This was a scary prospect for Mosiah.  They had been with war with the Lamanites on and off his whole life, and sending his sons to them must have seemed crazy to him.  It seems to me that even inquiring of the Lord about something as frightening as that is a great leap of faith.  And, then, to trust the Lord when he says that he *should* send them, and that the Lord will protect them.  I'm sure that most parents go through something similar when they send their children on missions... but then, we aren't sending them to countries that we are actively at war with. :)  To have faith that God will protect you, and your family... to trust that God knows best, and that whatever happens happens for a good reason... to have faith that God will handle everything that you can't (or shouldn't) control... that is amazing.  I have been trying to say that to myself today... remembering that no matter what, God is in charge.  You have to have some faith, and see how things turn out. :)  (Don't be scared, nothing really bad is happening, just normal life.)  :)  It actually is a very comforting thought... that I don't have to handle everything.  I just have to do my best to stay on the straight and narrow path, and let God handle all the big things. :)

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