Saturday, October 20, 2001

Isaiah 11:3

"And shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the Lord: and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove after the hearing of his ears."
Isaiah 11:3

This chapter in Isaiah prophecies of Christ and talks about some of the things that will happen during the millennium.  I think it is really cool and interesting how this scripture talks about Christ's quick understanding of the fear of the Lord, and what that is all about... and not judging by sight, or hearing.  Interesting, especially since such things are so well-respected.  Science, after all, is built upon proving things through the obvious senses. :)  Christ, though, could see beyond the sometimes deceptive appearance, into the heart.  He didn't honor social class... He hung out with people from every class and background.  He didn't listen to the judgements of others... even after hearing that the woman taken in adultery was caught in the very act, he knew there was more to the story.  I wonder sometimes if the reason that we can't walk on water is only that we rely on the "facts" too much.  I think that we limit ourselves way too much by relying on our eyes and our ears to tell us everything.  There is so much more to be known.  ... And as we go on and try to be kinder and more open with people, let's grant ourselves the same leniency.  We shouldn't judge ourselves inappropriately either.  Don't look in the mirror and think that you look bad... or listen to yourself talk and think that you are dumb.  We are beautiful, and good... and smart enough to handle everything that God throws our way.  No matter what.  Let's give ourselves, and others, a chance.

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