Wednesday, October 31, 2001

2 Nephi 9:10

"O how great the goodness of our God, who prepareth a way for our escape from the grasp of this awful monster; yea, that monster, death and hell, which I call the death of the body, and also the death of the spirit."
2 Nephi 9:10

It being Halloween and all, I thought that talking about monsters was appropriate. :)  It is also appropriate to talk about the atonement of Christ, which saves us from all the monsters.  This scripture talks about the death of the body (death) and the death of the spirit (hell)... Christ saves us from both of these.  First, because he died for us and was resurrected, we will all be resurrected as well and have the opportunity to live eternally.  Physical death is not the end.  :)  This gift of eternal life is given to all, regardless of our choices.  Then, because he suffered for our sins, we all have the opportunity to overcome spiritual death as well.  Spiritual death isn't so much about whether we will live after this life (we will)... it is about where we will live.  Because we sin, we fall short of being able to live with God and eternally with our loved ones.  Christ's second gift offers us the opportunity to overcome our own sins, and qualify anyway.  He prepared a plan for us to be able to do this.  What we have to do is follow God's plan, and we can still become who we were meant to be, despite our sins and mistakes.  Christ did a lot of good things on this earth, but what makes him our Saviour are these things.  Saving us from the monsters. :)

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