Tuesday, September 5, 2000

Philemon 1:3-4

"Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I thank my God, making mention of thee always in my prayers."
Philemon 1:3-4

Cool scripture.  Wouldn’t you like someone to say that about you?  That they thank God for you every day?  And, if we would like someone to say it about us, are we doing it for other people?  Today, let's tell people that we are thankful to have them in our lives.  Let them know that we care.  Pray for them, tell God that we are grateful for good family and friends.  Maybe even write a letter to someone and put this scripture at the end, so when they look it up they can be happy that we love them.  Let's be grateful and nice to the hundreds and thousands of incredible people around us today. :)

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