Wednesday, September 20, 2000

1 Corinthians 13:9-10

"For we know in part, and we prophesy in part.
But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away."
1 Corinthians 13:9-10

I think that this is fascinating.  That here, on this earth, we have part of everything... even ourselves.  When the veil was drawn, we forgot who we were in the premortal existence.  We have part of so many things.  Our knowledge of God and his wisdom is fractional... our knowledge of even how this world works is stunningly inadequate.  We work at being healthy and whole, and it is hard... because we are here, in this limited reality. :)  We feel that something is missing sometimes, that there are gaping holes... and there are.  Our relationship with God can fill us to overflowing sometimes, but we are never consistent, and then the holes return.  So many things are incomplete here... but this scripture says when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away.  No more holes.  isn't that a great thing to think about?  no limitations, no handicaps, no incompleteness.  There are places in the scriptures where God gave righteous people the power that whatever they said would be done, because he knew that they wouldn't say anything that was contrary to God's will... I think those people found wholeness.  They had enough of the truth to understand a particle of God's perspective and act on it... imagine when we have the whole of God's perspective.  Imagine... never second-guessing yourself, because you have ALL the information.  :)  We are on this earth to experience this "part"iality. :)  And it is a good thing, a good test, that teaches us a lot.  Teaches us who we can become on our own, as much as is possible.  But think of the amazing, amazing fullness and completeness that we will have after this test.  Wow.

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