Wednesday, September 27, 2000

Doctrine and Covenants 45:28-29

"And when the times of the Gentiles is come in, a light shall break forth among them that sit in darkness, and it shall  be the fulness of my gospel;
But they receive it not; for they perceive not the light, and they turn their hearts from me because of the precepts of men."
Doctrine and Covenants 45:28-29

I think this is really interesting. :)  It is kind of cool to think about how you turn your heart... towards or away from something.  and how people can blind themselves, so that they don't see light when it is as clear as the sun shining in a cloudless sky.  I think that we blind ourselves way too often.  Lock in our little opinions and biases, and not let anything else in.  I wonder sometimes if we are afraid that God is wrong?  That something will get in that will prove it all false? :)  Impossible as that is, sometimes I think that's why we block out other voices.  If God is real (and he is), then his Gospel works... and EVERYTHING fits into it.  We just have to figure out how.  We need to not block out the light of the gospel because we don't understand how it fits into our mental models... we need to search, and revise... and find out how it works.  Sometimes it takes a while, and we have to put some issues on the back burner for a while... but God's truth encompasses anything that we encounter.  And I am not advocating searching through the apocrypha or other works to find details like Mother in Heaven's name... I mean, I suppose it would be interesting and all, but I don't think we have a handle on the truths we have been plainly given, so why search through questionable sources. :) All I'm saying is that we shouldn't block out one part of God's truth because we are so enamored of another part, and we don't understand how they fit together.  And then of course, we shouldn't block out the gospel because it doesn't fit in with the way we want the world to be sometimes.  We don't know everything, even though we think that we do pretty often.  And God is way cooler and wiser than we are.  If we don't understand, all we have to do is ask.  God will help us to understand whatever it is.  It may take some time, and some (yikes) effort... but he answers prayers faithfully and regularly.

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