Friday, September 15, 2000

1 Corinthians 10:24

"Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth."
1 Corinthians 10:24

Short and sweet today... we need to turn outward, instead of focusing inward so much.  I like this because it talks about wealth, which most of us obsess about way way too often.  am I making as much as the other people I work with?  how come that person can have [insert name of luxury item here] and I can't?  We worry more about cars than people most of the time.  So, think of the people around you... what do they need?  Do they need it more than you do?  :)  Then, to think differently... the Joseph Smith Translation of this verse has the word "good" instead of wealth.  So, we aren't talking merely money here... but everything that makes a person rich... emotional, physical, spiritual, intellectual, social.... that we should be caring about whether someone else is comfortable instead of whether we are.  That we should be worrying about someone else's success more than our own.  That we need to be taking care of each other. :)  So, today... watch out for someone.  Help them.  Surprise them with something good. :)  And have a great Friday. :)

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