Saturday, September 16, 2000

Mormon 7:5

"Know ye that ye must come to the knowledge of your fathers, and repent of all your sins and iniquities, and believe in Jesus Christ, that he is the Son of God, and that he was slain by the Jews, and by the power of the Father he hath risen again, whereby he hath gained the victory over the grave; and also in him is the sting of death swallowed up."
Mormon 7:5

This is good stuff. :)  It feels to me kind of like the locker room speech at halftime... right before you go out and face the hardest team you've ever played.  The coach is saying... you have the talent and the strength and the stamina to win... but you need to *believe* ... remember the great things that this team has done in the past... and if you play like I know you can, you can do the same, or better.
Sometimes in our lives it can seem like winning is impossible... we feel as though we are losing by hundreds of points and there is no point in even trying.  But we forget that Christ is on our side... that He is a miracle worker, and he has NEVER lost a game.  He beat death, he beat sin... he never loses.  He won't lose this game either.  We have to repent and work at doing our part for the team... we need to make sure that we are fighting with Christ and not against him.  Because if we are, there is no chance of losing.  No chance.
Yesterday I was talking to one of my friends who was recently stung by a scorpion.  She was telling me how painful it was.  Compared to a scorpion, can you imagine how much death stings?  But Christ takes away that deep enduring pain, and turns it into joy... the joy of life and love and eternity.  We never lose anyone close to us, because Christ has overcome death.  We are so afraid of losing people that we love... but no one is *ever* lost.  Christ gave us that gift... eternal life.  We will see everyone that we love again, and rejoice with them.  With every death of someone we love, we gain a new friend on the other side of the veil.  Think of the amazing reunion we will have when we go there too.  We think of death as such a negative thing, but it really isn't.  Christ runs it now, and the new management is excellent.  No sting.

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