Tuesday, September 12, 2000

John 3:12

"If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?"
John 3:12

This is an interesting scripture... I’ve never really thought about it before, but it struck me this morning.  If we can't listen to what God tells us about this life, how are we going to be able to hear what he says about the eternities?  (Hmm, I guess eternity can't really be plural, since it is... eternity, after all.)  This life is a test, and the things that we learn here, we take with us into eternity and our immortal lives.  so many times we ignore what God has to say about living day-to-day, and then we wish he would tell us about huge things like what is going to happen in the future, or whether we can have a swimming pool in our heavenly mansion... :)  Not that God won't answer all of those questions in time... but he has to teach us step by step.  Just like you don't sit down with your child and try to teach him to read Shakespeare before he's learned the alphabet.  He might want to learn it right then, but the foundation is missing.  God really does know our capabilities, and what lessons, for us individually, need to come next.  So, let's go and learn today's lessons really well, and maybe we'll be ready for some heavenly lessons soon. :)

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