Thursday, September 14, 2000

Doctrine and Covenants 88:95 -- On the Face of the Lord

"And there shall be silence in heaven for the space of half an hour; and immediately after shall the curtain of heaven be unfolded, as a scroll is unfolded after it is rolled up, and the face of the Lord shall be unveiled."
Doctrine and Covenants 88:95

Wow... the face of the Lord.  Amazing.  So, it seems like the entire world is going to see it, which would be a pretty powerful indicator of the existence of God. :)  Right before this scripture there is one that says that an angel will sound a trump before this happens... so at least we'll have some warning.

I just think it would be amazing... and hey, if we are ready to come back into God's presence, this will be a great experience. :)  The last days can seem scary, eek... stuff like that, but we also know that the righteous need not fear... and I think this is why.  If we are being good, we'll be so happy to see God, and to get to hang out with him in person again... and if we are being bad, then we'll be kind of scared that he'll be annoyed with us.  Like little kids when their parents come home. :)  So... just another reason to be good. :)  

Not that God planned it as a scare tactic though... just that that's the reality of the whole thing.  Dad is probably coming home with our favorite ice cream, and he'll hug us and help us do our homework, and then have fun with us... but if we painted the wall with ketchup and poked holes in his waterbed... even though he loves us, we'll still be scared of him coming home.  So, what I say is... today, at least symbolically, let's get out the stool and a rag, and clean up the ketchup.  get out the vinyl repair kit and patch the holes... and then make a cool play-doh statue for him that says "daddy."  If we do cool stuff for him because we love him, and clean up our messes... it will be the greatest day ever, since we haven't seen him in person for so long.


  1. I'm trying to determine whether "the face of the Lord shall be unveiled" is His actual appearance in glory or whether this is Him smiling on those who are "quickened and... caught up to meet him" and the saints who are resurrected and caught up to meet him. (DC 88:96-97)
    If the 1/2 hours of silence is the same as that which is mentioned in Revelation 8:1, this glimpse of Christ's face is not the same has His glorious return because there are two chapters of angel after angel reigning plagues and tribulations down on Earth and the conquering of the beast before Jesus returns in glory because Joseph Smith said all of Revelation chapters 8 & 9 must happen before Christ returns. (DC 77:12-13)

  2. The trump is figurative. It means warning. The face of god is a reference to a miracle that all the world sees. Not the actual face of god but his power. The half hour is 20.83 earth years which is about the year 2021. This year we begin a new thanksgiving cycle every 400 years. Which means we are going to see the power of god manifest I the world in visible ways. This April 2022 is the start of a currency panic cycle April 24’is the Red Sea moment and we are fifty years of jubilee away from the end of the gold backing the dollar a jubilee of debt. I expect some miracle and major upset of currency and debt markets that will liberate the enslaved world wide

  3. Appreciate the comments. I don't agree that we can pinpoint the actual amount of time that a half hour indicates here, or say specifically when things will happen, or that this verse predicts unstable currency, it is an interesting statement as we compare other statements by the Lord that refer to the last days. I also don't think we can say that the face of the Lord referred to here is a symbolic miracle rather than seeing the actual face of the Lord, since it could be actual trumps heralding the Second Coming, which would mean that we would see his actual face as he comes in his glory. I suppose we'll have to wait and see. :)


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