Wednesday, June 14, 2000

Romans 14:19

"Let us therefore follow after the things that make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another."
Romans 14:19

I love this scripture... I have *always* loved this scripture, and I was surprised this morning when I was looking through the list of past scriptures of the day and it wasn't there.  I love this scripture because it is just a simple goal... lets cut down on contention, and build each other up instead. :)  Maybe it's idealistic... but I like idealistic.  Can we seek peace and edification *today?*  Seriously, I think one of the biggest mistakes we make in this life is trying to do it ourselves.  Of *course* we have to work out our own salvation, but God didn't say that we couldn't look on each other's exams. :)  It isn't cheating; it's teamwork, right?  An open-book test, and go ahead and talk to your neighbor... in fact... can you really get through the test without the rest of us?  We don't even want you to try.  When something is going wrong, God gives us friends.  When everything is going right, and you are overflowing with joy... God gives us friends. :)  Pray with someone... Exercise with someone... Study with someone... Review your day with someone.  Compare notes... see how they are dealing with life.  Maybe you'll learn something.  Maybe you have a hint or two you can share.  Let's follow peace, edify each other, and build some Zion today. :)

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