Wednesday, June 7, 2000

Alma 40:12

"And then shall it come to pass, that the spirits of those who are righteous are received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow."
Alma 40:12

Sometimes, doesn't it just sound good to be able to rest for a while?  We get burdened by a lot of things in this life... trying to juggle all the things that we need to do... emotions, thoughts... everything running through our brains, so even when we aren't physically moving, we are still not at rest.  We have to make a lot of effort to get to a place, mentally and physically, where we can rest.  And I think of heaven as the opposite... a place where, even if you are doing a ton of things, even if you are thinking all the time... you are still at rest.  That none of it affects you negatively, but actually restores you and builds you up.  Of course, there is the righteousness clause... which basically is saying... if you haven't been doing the things that are right, you are going to be worried about it after you die as well, and so it just won't be as much fun.  Really, we have to be at peace with ourselves... and that is one of the many things that we are here to learn.  who we really are, and how to find that peace and rest.  if who we make ourselves in this life doesn't jive with the person we were before this life... we might have some serious therapy to deal with when the veil is lifted.  :) it's finding that person, and discovering our own paths in harmony with God's plan... those things will take us down the path to rest and peace and the true desires of our hearts.

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