Thursday, June 8, 2000

Doctrine and Covenants 70:14-16

"Nevertheless, in your temporal things you shall be equal, and this not grudgingly, otherwise the abundance of the manifestations of the Spirit shall be withheld.
Now, this commandment I give unto my servants for their benefit while they remain, for a manifestation of my blessings upon their heads, and for a reward of their diligence and for their security;
For food and for raiment; for an inheritance; for houses and for lands, in whatsoever circumstances I, the Lord, shall place them, and whithersoever I, the Lord, shall send them."
Doctrine and Covenants 70:14-16

I love the "and this not grudgingly" part here. :)  God is going to bless us temporally as we serve him, and serve the people around us (which is really part of serving him, but I thought I would add it for emphasis).  He is going to make sure we are fed and clothed, that we have a place to sleep and a place to plant a garden, if we want to.  He blesses us abundantly as we work at blessing other people and serving him.  And then he has to warn us about "grudgingly" ... :)  hilarious that we are so caught up in the temporal wealth game, when it's God that gives it to us anyway.  Zion communities are built out of Zion people.  We need to learn to give, to share... and to accept what other people have to offer... here and now, so that someday we can get there.
I know it is hard... almost everything in society teaches us ownership... this is mine, and this is yours... and we believe somewhere subconsciously that good people have enough, and bad people don't.  But some people who have plenty of faith and goodness are poor... and some people who have neither are rich.  God will take care of us as we serve him... and God will take care of others through that service as well.  The more we give, the more we get.  We have to stop looking at everything as a non-renewable resource.  God has plenty, and sharing it will never cause us to suffer.

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