Saturday, June 10, 2000

Matthew 22:14

"For many are called, but few are chosen."
Matthew 22:14

An interesting scripture... we are all called.  We all have a purpose and a great work to do here on the earth, and we did before, and we will after.  We matter, and we have power, authority, and responsibility to be great, good, and generous with all that God has given us.  The problem is that on this earth it is so easy to see other things rather than the truth... so easy to see how other people see us instead of how God sees us... so easy to desire what the "natural man" desires rather than what we really want and need on a spiritual/eternal plane.  Our task is not to be called.  We don't always feel it, but each of us has a definite and individual work to do... a trust, given to us by God.  The challenge of this life is to be chosen.  To choose ourselves by actually fulfilling our mission and our dreams that God gave us.  Wherever we are, we can pick up and try again... find out who we are, and why God sent us here, on a very individual level.  Choose to accept the calling, and live our lives to fulfill it.

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