Saturday, April 22, 2000

Romans 10:2-3

"For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God."
Romans 10:2-3

This is interesting because it is talking about people who bear a marked resemblance to us. :)  We think that righteousness is a great thing, but we pick and choose what we think that it is... and we try to live up to our own brand of righteousness... overly strict in some areas to make up for slacking off in others.  So "thou shalt not kill" can turn into overwhelming guilt over the life of a snail... when other commandments we take much, much, much less seriously.  And I am not trying to make a statement about snails, by the way.  :)  Only that we never approach righteousness without doing it according to the Lord's definition.  We have to learn to let go of our favorite pet sins, and not judge other people who are struggling in the areas where we have adopted extra restrictions for good measure.  We have to get to know God, and recognize that he has a lot more wisdom than we do.  And when we have those things, then we can ask him for help in our lives, and he will give it.  Then the overwhelming seems possible again, and we see and radiate the hope of the gospel in our lives.

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