Friday, April 28, 2000

Jeremiah 23:23

"Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off?"
Jeremiah 23:23

Obviously this is a rhetorical question, but a good one.  I think sometimes we think that we only deal with God at church, or maybe even that we can run away from him to some remote place.  he's there, constantly, in a very real way.  I think we go to church for ourselves in a lot of ways... so that we can remember him, so that we can learn how to worship and get some information, and take the sacrament, which is really important... but it isn't someplace we go so that we can interact with God... because he is there ALL the time... and we should be interacting with him in our daily lives... finding a way to merge our church personalities with our work and school personalities, etc.  Finding ways to be whole... as God is.  And also... I think we need to remember that God isn't just God for us... but for *everyone* we come into contact with, or see on the news, or anywhere there is... and that we need to respect those people as family... and not criticize and judge them like they are outsiders of some secret club... God is their Father as well.

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