Tuesday, April 25, 2000

2 Corinthians 7:1

"Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God."
2 Corinthians 7:1

This scripture could be referring to any promises that God offers I suppose, but the end of chapter 6 offers some specific ones... God says I will receive you and will be a Father unto you, and that we will be his sons and daughters.  Cool promises, drawing in the whole family imagery, and seriously... if we aren't a family, it isn't him that has disowned us, but we that have forsaken him.  He is always looking for us, his lost sheep... and welcoming us prodigals home with a feast and rejoicing.  He knows that we are family.  we are the ones that forget sometimes.
Anyway, in this verse it talks about being clean, which is always a good thing... but then it says "perfecting holiness in the fear of God." ... curiouser and curiouser. :)  And I think that this is really cool.  We were reading in Mosiah 4:1-3 in church on Sunday and it seemed to be saying what the fear of the Lord is... that it is viewing ourselves as we really are, and seeing the difference between where we are and where God is... which makes us feel kind of like dust. :)  So in this verse where it says that we perfect holiness in the fear of God... it makes so much more sense to me (though of course, I could just be insane... that is always a possibility) .... that we can actually become clean, perfect and holy *because* we see our filthiness... because we see the distance between us and God, we can start going in the right direction.  We can return as a prodigal, or as a lost sheep, because we realize that's who we are.  That seems to me to be the difference between the "sinners" and the Pharisees, etc.  all through the new testament too... that one group could see where they were going wrong and one couldn't.  It doesn't feel that great... but what a GREAT, amazing blessing it is to know where we stand, and where God stands... to be able to measure the distance... and know that he will help us to bridge it.  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, right?  all these scriptures about fear are falling into place for me. :)  So, anyway, sorry if I was babbling too much... I just love it. :)

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