Thursday, April 20, 2000

Alma 5:19

"I say unto you, can ye look up to God at that day with a pure heart and clean hands?  I say unto you, can ye look up, having the image of God engraven upon your countenances?"
Alma 5:19

I think this is so interesting.  It makes me think of the reality of godhood... becoming like God, receiving his image in our countenances... what is that like?  is it the whole light and truth thing... where we are just swimming in it, and it radiates from us?  And it also touches on another feeling for me... when I get out of the shower and I feel so clean, it is a great feeling... especially after I would go rock climbing in college or something, and get SO dirty... and what a great feeling, to be clean again.  The pure heart thing might even work on those lines too. I feel so much conflict within when I want something that doesn't fit with what I believe... and when I resolve that at times, I feel so much harmony with myself and with the world around me, it is overwhelming.  So, I guess the trick is, continuing to try... to feel that harmony, that clean feeling, and to swim in light and truth long enough, that it all becomes just part of who we are. :)  Sounds like a fun thing to do.  Hard... definitely... but also fun. :)

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