"For a desolating scourge shall go forth among the inhabitants of the earth, and shall continue to be poured out from time to time, if they repent not, until the earth is empty, and the inhabitants thereof are consumed away and utterly destroyed by the brightness of my coming.
Behold, I tell you these things, even as I also told the people of the destruction of Jerusalem; and my word shall be verified at this time as it hath hitherto been verified."
Doctrine and Covenants 5:19-20
This reminds me of the allegory of the Olive trees. This "desolating scourge" could be the pruning, and the clearing away the bad as the good shall grow. (I am not claiming that only bad people die in any scourges. Just generally comparing the predictions.)
The idea of the earth being empty is kind of mind-boggling, but it goes along with scriptureal predictions of the earth finally being able to rest, and growing in glory. Whether anyone lives through the "end" that way or not, we know that God still has plans for us, and for the earth, so all will work out according to his will in the end.
It was hard for the people in Jerusalem to believe that no stone would be left on top of another, and so many blew the idea off, but let's be diligent and repent and prepare spiritually so that we aren't caught unprepared with no time left, like the five foolish virgins in another parable. Today, let's listen, and believe, and pray, and prepare.
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