"Yea, whosoever will thrust in his sickle and reap, the same is called of God.
Therefore, if you will ask of me you shall receive; if you will knock it shall be opened unto you."
Doctrine and Covenants 11:4-5
Obviously God can't give us everything we want in this life (because, like children, we often want things that are harmful to us, thinking that playing in traffic might be fun, etc.), but it amazes me sometimes how much his gospel *is* catered to what we want. If we jump in and do the work, then we are pre-approved, and God cares about the things that we ask and the things that we want access to. There are eternal truths that guide everything, but God really does personalize the gospel for each of us, teaching us in ways that we will understand and rewarding us according to our desires.
Like a perfect teacher, he pays attention to the individual and caters all of his lessons to us, in the context of our needs and our desires. God can help us to change our hearts, but he never does it without our willing participation. respecting both who we believe ourselves to be, and who he knows that we can be. He urges us to raise our sights and improve, aiming at becoming our ideal (and heavenly) selves.
Today, let's have hope and aim higher, trusting in God to help us accomplish much more than we could accomplish alone, and to teach us to be better than we now are.
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